Thursday 19 February 2009

Infidelity - both sexes are just as bad

According to research carried out in the USA by the University of Washington "the number of young women who report engaging in extramarital sex is not much lower than that of men" . I disagree with people who say men are more likely to cheat on their partner than women. I think this may have been the case years ago, but not more recently. I've asked my friends and the number of women who said they would cheat is the same as the number of men. According to another study, high hormone levels in women makes them more inclined to infidelity, so i wonder if this is the same for men? <Are more women committing infidelity article>
All the people i know who have ever cheated on their partner did it for the thrill, and one 40 year old guy who i know cheated on his wife of 12 years (they have three kids) with a 16 year old girl. Hes now divorced and lives with the 16 year old, and says he has no regrets which i find hard to believe.
So why is it so bad? I think its because a persons body is so private and intimate, and should only therefore be shared with their partner. I find it strange that the number of open relationships is growing, can these really be called relationships?
Infidelity is also extremely common in the media and there are a lot of role models who have had affairs that kids look up to. If a kids dad leaves the family home to shack up with his secretary, would this make the kid more likely to do the same thing when hes older?
Maybe its also something to do with respect. If you have a lot of respect for yourself surely you are far less likely to have a one night stand with someone you have never met before from down the pub.
Say your married and your partner ends up with a disease that takes their mind away, but you find someone else and start a relationship, is that infidelity? After all marriage vows are for better or for worse.
I'd say the most common reason for infidelity has to be the thrill, with the sneaking around and the lying all adding to the buzz. A lot of people just get bored of their relationships and just stay together for the kids, I'm sure that will make someone more likely to cheat. And then there's sex, which has got to be a number one reason as well. Men who cheat usually do it with a women who has got something that their wife hasn't, like the lovely body that the wife lost after having kids, or they might just be a lot younger which I'm sure would appeal to most middle aged married men.
President Clinton had an affair with Monika Lewinsky I'd say for the sex. There's no way the first lady would let old Bill anywhere near her with a cigar. Is it true he did the dirty deed then smoked it? Clinton had everything in life, so i wonder what he saw in Lewinsky, perhaps it was just because she was just a lot dirtier in bed that his wife. Either way, when the President of the USA engages in behaviour of that kind its hardly an example to all the younger kids who look up to him. It still amazes me to this day that Clinton was dumb enough to 'dirty her dress' and allow her to keep it. He signed his own execution warrant.
I think all people who cheat are selfish, and only consider their own needs. Its also worse when families are broken up by infidelity and there are children involved. I also find it surprising that some women know that their husbands are having an affair but for fear of losing him allow it to continue.
Why is it that a lot of girls who cheat do it with their boyfriends best mate? Is it because that person is just around at the right time, or because the thrill of getting caught, especially with the best mate who is obviously close to the BF, makes it a lot more of a turn on?
I can understand that some people get married, feel at that time its the right thing to do, but then meet the person of their dreams. But surely its better to end the marriage and start a proper relationship than sneak around hoping not to get caught.
I'm sure that if i was cheating on my girlfriend the guilt would eat away at me, and then eventually she would notice something was wrong. Maybe i just haven't got that sneakiness in me that is required to keep a long term affair going. And I'm sure if my girlfriend was at it i would be able to pick up some sort of sign that everything was not all OK. I'd rather be told straight to my face than find out accidentally that shes been screwing my best mate for the last 2 years.
I read a lot of true crime books and where a person is murdered by a loved one, its usually some sort of infidelity that's involved. It just shows how a simple fling can turn into something a lot more serious. But as with being a cheat, i think murderers have something in them that the average person just simply doesn't have.
That's enough for today, all this thought of cheating has got me thinking.

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