Sunday 29 March 2009

Comment 6 - Response to Magdalena Drewenska and addiction.

I'm afraid you are totally 100 % wrong. On your blog it says 'When you are drug addicted – you will always be drug addicted, for whole your life'. I battled heroin addiction for 10 years, and now I'm clean (3 years), over drugs and have a bright future. My past doesn't make me a bad person, it just means i have a lot more knowledge to give than people who say 'addiction is for life'. Unfortunately there is so much negativity and stigma around addiction (as well as crap and lies) and people who know jack talk a lot, such as in the newspapers.

There are different kinds of addicts, namely junkies and functionals. Junkies can't control their habit and end up on the street, functionals maintain a habit, job, and a 'normal' life. Not all addicts steal and lie to feed their addictions.

There are several addiction treatments in the UK that teach you that once you are clean, you are still an addict for life. I think that's crap, if your an addict for life, you always have the possibility of relapse hanging over your shoulder. Once an addict has dealt with their demons they are no longer an addict. Just normal people like me and you who made a few bad choices in life. Its wrong to tar everyone with the same brush.

Rant over.

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