Wednesday 11 March 2009

Todays Sun - Muslim extremist - bring back hanging

I personally feel it is absolutely disgusting that these fanatical scutters have the cheek to slag our soldiers off after they have fought for our country. What have these moaning freeks ever done for our country? They run down Britain, our way of life, our soldiers and our government, yet they continue to live here and claim benefits. They slag our soldiers off when i bet they haven't been to Iraq fighting for democracy. Its obviously only a very, very small minority that have the same feelings as the scum in the photo, but i think its really bad that the police stand by while these have the balls to protest. If i stood in Wolverhampton town centre with a sign saying 'Kick the Muslim Extremists Out' i'd be in a police cell faster than i can say terrorists. How come they can be allowed to do what they did as our returning soldiers paraded? I understand everyone has different views about the Iraq war and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but what happened to respect? 100 years ago these protesters would have been hung for treason, but unfortunately these days supporting terrorism is obviously not seen as immoral by certain people. What happened to supporting Queen and country through good and bad? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. I just hope the government has the sense to watch these people and take action.

I can't understand how people end up having veiws like that. If they don't support our soldiers, they obviously must have loved Saddam Hussein, because thats who was got rid of.

I have seen quite a few news articles lately linking former students of Wolverhampton University to terrorism. One such person was Hassan Butt, who was reporting as having recruited hundreds of British Muslims to fight for the Taliban . Its not just our uni though, its all uni's across the UK. Unfortunately universities are easy prey, full of young intelligent people with impressionable minds. Obviously people are going to disagree with me but recruiting students for terrorism is both bad and immoral. I believe everyone should be allowed to have their say, but not when its damaging the very fabric of our society. Why does the british government continue to allow British Taliban fighters to return home when they have committed treason? If you go abroad to fight for terrorists, then whatever happens to you when you are captured is tough shit, but our dummy country allows them to come home, claim benefits, spout their vile, harmful beliefs, and still sue the government for damages, one name that springs to mind is Benyam Mohammed. He went to fight for the terrorists and learn how to make bombs to fight the west, yet he is allowed to sue for damages for being tortured. It would be a different story if he had made it back to Britain and unleashed his now found bomb making techniques on our cities.
If these fanatics are not happy with what goes on over in the UK and what our government does, why continue to live here? After all, if our soldiers are such evil bastards why would you want to continue to live among them? the answer is obvious, benefits, child allowance, a house, etc If we did not have a social security system, would these fanatics continue to live in Britain? i doubt it.

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