Tuesday 7 April 2009

Proud to be British.

Why is it that people automatically assume that just because you are white and patriotic you must be racist? I'm patriotic, i love my country, i love everything that makes Britain great, but i am not racist. Being patriotic has nothing to do with race, its about loving your country, your homeland, and everyone around you. Its about fighting to make your country a better place for everyone who lives there.
The dictionary says patriotism is " devoted love, support, and defense of one's country". So whats it got to do with racism?
Unfortunately over the years, due to tossers like the BNP, patriotism has become synonymous with race, creed, and being British born. This means now people are reluctant to say they are patriotic for fear of being labelled a racist. I find this a terrible shame, because being patriotic is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.
A report by the Institute of Education said "patriotism should be avoided in school lessons because British history is “morally ambiguous”. What a load of bollocks. Every single country in the world has something dark and bad in their past, so why should children not be taught to be proud of their country?
If children were taught to be more patriotic, perhaps we would not have problems such as ASBO's because our younger children would be proud of their country, where they live, and more importantly would be more considerate to their neighbours. If children were taught that they are part of something to be celebrated and proud of, rather than ashamed of, the world would be a much better place. Britain also has a brilliant history, besides the bad stuff, but all countries are the same.
When i was at school i was not taught anything about the second world war. If children today were taught things such as how all countries came together to fight the Nazi's, how over a million Indians fought along side us, and how together, everyone in the UK overcame a dictatorship that would have overtaken the world, maybe children would be more tolerant of each other and grateful to the elderly of all races and nations for the sacrifices they made to keep Britain a free democracy for everyone.
All over the world there are countries that teach their children how to be patriotic and how to love everything that is great about where they live. Indians' and Pakistanis' are all patriotic, yet they are not labelled racist. They proudly show off the flags of their countries on their clothes and cars, but how often do you see the Union Jack on clothes and cars? Hardly ever, because everyone is afraid of being labelled as something they are not.
I love my country, not the white race. I love everyone in the UK, and its about time everyone in the UK opens their mouths and shows that they are patriotic and proud of the country they live in.
Being patriotic should unite everyone in the UK, not divide us into groups against each other. We should unite against things like terrorism, poverty, racism, ageism, etc. to make Britain a better place for everyone.
Boring stuff

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